Business and branding photography
As a driven woman and business owner, I probably don't need to tell you that your audience needs to see your brand on
a regular basis before they trust you enough to do business with you.
But there's a catch - you want to schedule social media posts or promote your new product, but you're still drawing from the same
10 to 15 photos you've been using for the past year.
In the worst case, you have unprofessional photos that come from different sources, have different lighting
or inconsistent editing.
However, the visual presentation of the brand suffers, and that's a shame.
"As a business owner, I never realized how much I needed a brand photographer to create a visual for my brand.
Now I see that it is more than just a business portrait.
Klára created a complete visual representation of my brand that I didn't know I needed!"
Together we will create a collection of photos that will have a wide range of applications. Photos for sales pages, newsletter, ads, across your website, profile photo, various graphics for podcasts or videos and more.
You can also use branded photos in posts and stories on Instagram or on your blog.
So you will leave our shoot with a collection of photos suitable for use across all your media that you intend to use.
Write me something about yourself. Who are you, what do you do, what is your idea and time options. If you already have a website and social media, be sure to include them in your response. I will want to see it to make a plan for your photo shoot.
The following is a free consultation that takes place online. Here we outline your idea and expectations in more detail, go over your brand, mood board and outline the type of photos we would like to create together.
We will agree on the location, clothes, make-up artist and others.
Taking into account your style, website style, concept and color coordination, we will agree on a place that will be most suitable for taking your brand photos. It can therefore be your office, workshop, or even a cafe in your home. I very much like to use the space of the lifestyle photo studio in Prague, or, if the weather is good, we can also take photos outside in nature.
Your site will look more professional with a complete look
They will help you get more orders or clients
You can easily create promotional materials with them
You will appear credible
You evoke the right emotions in people
You will be better able to target and attract the ideal client
Brand photos will serve you in several places at once
STUDIO PHOTOSHOOT - 4.500,- for 1 hour, 15 resulting photos
STUDIO PHOTOSHOOT - 6.500,- for 2 hours, 20 photos and 5 videos
OUTDOOR OR PERSONAL SPACE is 3.500,- for 1 hour and 20 resulting photos
Additional photographs can be purchased for 200,-/each
This price does not include the services of a make-up artist, any entries or travel outside of Prague 1km=10,-
Zuzana Šounová
S Klárou jsme se sešly na brandové focení. Setkání bylo moc příjemné, Klára mi pomohla, abych se uvolnila a vypadala na fotkách dobře. Focení jsem si moc užila a výsledné fotky budu s radostí využívat ke své propagaci. Děkuji a focení s Klárou vřele doporučuji.
Renata Mirková
Už dlouho jsem potřebovala nové fotky na web a sociální sítě, ale pořád jsem to odkládala, protože jsem se toho bála. Focení probíhalo v přátelské atmosféře a mám z toho fotky, se kterýma jsem moc spokojená (jednu z nich jsem si nastavila jako profilovku na všech sociálních sítích a platformách, což si myslím, že říká hodně). Takže děkuju ❤️
Nikola Bučková
Kláru som našla online práve vtedy, keď som potrebovala brand fotografie na svoje sociálne siete.
Fotky som obdržala veľmi rýchlo a som z nich nadšená. Klára je nielen skvelá profesionálka, ale aj príjemná osoba. Celý proces fotenia prebiehal hladko a v uvoľnenej atmosfére, čo mi veľmi pomohlo pri pózovaní. Fotky sú jednoducho krásne a presne odzrkadľujú moju značku. Efektívna komunikácia s ňou bola ďalším veľkým plusom. Odporúčam ju každému, kto hľadá talentovanú a empatickú fotografku.
Veronika Mayová
Milé příjemné focení. Klára ze mě vytáhla, co potřebovala a já chtěla, na mé profi fotky. Dokáže vytvořit příjemnou atmosféru a fotky jsou lepší než v mých představách.